Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Welcome to My World!

Hey, you found Aladdin's World! Welcome.

My name is Aladdin. Not to many people out west know what life's like here in Agrabah, so I thought, rather than star in more direct-to-video sequels, I'll just tell you about it here on my blog. Posts should come on a somewhat regular basis, unless the guards catch me and throw me in jail for a week or two. Topics? They'll range from the weather here in Agrabah (hey - that cloud looks like a dune. So does that one! Wow. Lots of dunes…) to political ramblings about you western countries to the latest and greatest in internet timewasters to me trying to get out of homework for my Econ class at AWH (Agrabah West High).

See you in a few, and remember: Bee yourself!

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