About This Blog

Hey There! Let me give you a little bit of info about this here weblog. I'm gonna break character for a moment. This blog is not to be taken literally. There is no such place (as far as the author knows) as Agrabah. The author does not live on the street. This blog, however, is a narrative-style stream of consciousness of events that relate to the author's life. Why? you ask. Why not? This blog can be read at multiple levels. You can read it as a fun fictional account of Aladdin's daily life. You can read it as a commentary about current events. If you personally know the author, who may be found out and about the interweb under the name AladdinBoy, then you can also read this blog as a bunch of updates on his life.

Don't know Aladdin? Let me introduce you…

Portrait of me by *DavidKawena
Hi! I'm Aladdin. There's a picture of me on the left, rendered beautifully by *davidkawena, a most talented artist. I'm 18 years old, and I live on the streets of the Arabian city of Agrabah. I've been on my own since I was very young. I don't really know anything about my parents, except that my father was a tailor. Maybe I'll meet him some day. I hope he doesn't have problems with the fact that I'm a theif…

About a year and a half ago, I found a perfectly good computer that someone had put out on the curb. Using this computer, I've since explored this bizarre sensation that is the internet. I try to post something more or less every few days, but no guarantees. Oh, and my best friend is a monkey. No, I'm not antisocial or anything, I just am really good friends with him. His name is Abu, and he's a great friend.

Some day, I'd like to live in the royal palace. I can see it from the roof where I keep my stuff, and it looks lovely. You know, being a street rat doesn't afford me a whole lot of freedom. Most people are welcome wherever they go. I'm scorned and usually kicked out. Maybe if I put a shirt on…? Nah. Anyways, sometimes I feel trapped. This blog is my release. I don't know where it will go or what you can expect to find here, but keep checking, and maybe we'll get some surprises along the way.

See you later!

- Aladdin