Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hey all. First, a poem by me:
My lips are lonely. Lonely for the taste of sticky strawberry shine that glistens on your lips. Lonely for the softness of your cheek, the curve of your neck, the tingle of your hair. But there's more. My lips are lonely for the words that burst forth without thought, the love and care and comedy that seemed so natural and linear. I think there's a word for that. Sauretude. My lips miss the sauretude between us. And not just the lovely, but the rocky, the jagged, the thin pricks of hair that maybe you should have shaved a while ago, the sweet slick of sweat dripping down your nose pressed firmly against my lips. Confidently, too. I miss the confidentiality between my lips and yours, the unshaken agreement that yours are mine and mine are yours. The secrets, the woes, the bubbles of happiness and fear and platitude and sauretude that pass between us. Between my lips pass the three syllables that make the rest of my frame shake and quiver and mope: "I miss you".
OK. Here's what's going on. First of all, welcome to my new blog. I've been meaning to switch from Wordpress to Blogger for a while, but I've just never gotten around to doing it. I finally got some time over the weekend to make the change, so welcome to my new site.

Jasmine. Here we go. So Jasmine was off on a royal visit to Quarkistan, trying to work out the kinks in a trade agreement between Quarkistan, Agrabah, and Odiferous. Prince Mamoud and Prince Uncouthma were both there. As you may or may not know, Jasmine has a history with Uncouthma, and while she was in Quarkistan, she decided that she wasn't quite ready to go through with our marriage. I have to assume Uncouthma is to blame, as Mamoud is only 12 years old. Anyways, when Jasmine returned with Carpet and Iago, she told me that she wasn't sure if she's ready to get married, and that she thinks we both need some time away from each other to… what did she say? "Get some more experience". I've dated two girls before I met Jasmine, but I get the impression that I'm her first boyfriend (we never really talked about it). So, I am sad. Genie said that sometimes people need some room when they're faced with getting into a deep relationship, but the only person Genie's ever really dated is Eden (there's a small chance we'll run into her in Liamuiga). I'm not even sure if I want to go to Liamuiga. I guess I'm still moping, but hey– can't I have a mope or two?

I'm not sure where this is all going, but I'll keep you all (my 2 readers) in the loop.

Wish me luck!
- Al

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